With over 100 styles to choose from, our Distinction GRP composite door range can enable you to create a door that’s as individual as you and your family.

The Distinction door from Precision Windows & Doors Ltd Lanarkshire is widely renowned as having a proven pedigree and being the best, you can get, because it offers a unique combination of stunning aesthetics, enhanced security and supreme structural integrity and is tried, tested and trusted by more than 4 million homeowners.

Designed with water resistant polymer composite rails to protect the core, your GRP composite door won’t suffer from water ingress which can result in skin delamination and other functional problems of lesser products.

Our doors are more thermally efficient than a solid timber core composite door, you can be assured your door is keeping the warmth in and the cold out, thereby saving money. In addition, with such excellent insulation properties, outside noise will be kept to a minimum too by an average of 31 dB.


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